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Do I have to plead guilty?

(No you do not in fact doing so can make matters worse.)


What is Civil Demand

(Its a law that allows retailers to seek funds from you civilly. There can be long term

consequences for not paying)


We dont have a Big Budget. How can we protect our store?

Dont be fooled there are numerous tools and means to reduce shrink without 

breaking your budget. We can help you.


Can Loss Prevention touch me?

Short answer is yes. Legally a Loss Prevention Officer or anyone conducting a 

citizen arrest may use "reasonable force". However many retailers are what is 

called "Hands off" and they are not permitted to touch you in order to get you 

back in store.


What is Diversion or ACD?

Diversion or ACD or any other name can vary. Each county has its own rules, guidelines 

for these programs. In short they gnerally work like a conviction with fines, probation,

community service etc. However once you complete program your case is "dismissed".

This means no conviction record. However its best to ask your Attorney what your 

County's program will and wont do.


I was banned from store can I get ban lifted?

Yes you can but you will need to contact Store Management or corporate

office to do so and there is no gurantee they will.



For more detailed answers contact us directly







still under contruction...............................




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